


基础(最常用的命令) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 git init #初始化Git仓库 git add . #添加所有未追踪文件或修改 git add filename #添加指定文件 git commit -m "commit information" # 提交 git push #推送到远

Git 与 Magit 初始篇

系列目的 介绍Git的基础配置及基础使用 介绍Magit的使用, 因为Magti相比与Git方便很多, 配合Emacs效率更高 使用命令行 windows 中使用ba


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DDoS Attack Protection in the Era of Cloud Computing and Software-Defined Networking

B. Wang, Y. Zheng, W. Lou and Y. T. Hou, “DDoS Attack Protection in the Era of Cloud Computing and Software-Defined Networking,” 2014 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Network Protocols, Raleigh, NC, 2014, pp. 624-629. 这篇不怎么样,CCF B类计算机网络会议。本文提出一个用于云防御DDoS

Athena: A Framework for Scalable Anomaly Detection in Software-Defined Networks

S. Lee, J. Kim, S. Shin, P. Porras and V. Yegneswaran, “Athena: A Framework for Scalable Anomaly Detection in Software-Defined Networks,” 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Denver, CO, 2017, pp. 249-260. 本文相当于一个框架手册,该框架作用为:一个分布式SDN弹性异常检

Tool support for the evaluation of anomaly traffic classification for network resilience

Silva A S D, Wickboldt J A, Schaefferfilho A, et al. Tool support for the evaluation of anomaly traffic classification for network resilience[C]// Computers & Communication. 2015. Tool support for the evaluation of anomaly traffic classification for network resilience 标签(空格分隔): security Silva A S D, Wickboldt J A, Schaefferfilho A, et al. Tool support for the evaluation of anomaly traffic classification for